Monday, 9 May 2011

Losing my blogging virginity...

So, here we go. Let's not beat around the bush, I was nervous about starting a blog. I know my values and opinions are important to me, but I'm not sure everyone else wants to read about them! But in the end, I just took the plunge and decided to go for it. I read somewhere that if you want to get anything published the best thing to do is write a blog. I also love the fact that there is proof of your existence somewhere, even if it's just a blog amongst thousands. The internet is a wonderful thing (even when it breaks down) that lets us communicate across oceans. Only fifty or so years ago, the idea of something like this was pure science-fiction. I'm not going to delve into a debate on the internet here and now, I just want others to appreciate something that we take for granted.
Anyhoo, I'm going to start wrapping this up. Check out my profile and pop back when you like to see what I've been upto. There will be more Wadey Words and Wonderings coming your way. Much love, x.


  1. Hi I'm Sian mum (Karen) what a clever girl my gils is, this sounds like fun might even start one myself but I'm not sure Ive got as much to say as Sian haha have fun xxx

  2. hey gorgeous. love this!!!

    did you know the internet was actually created about 50 years ago... 1st used by US army in the 60's then developed further in the 70's until its commercialisation in the 90's by Microsoft!!! haha

    Hope all is well and keep this up my lovey.
    hugs xxx
