Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Book Review: The Shakespeare's Curse (Kate Stanley #2) by Jennifer Lee Carrell

The Shakespeare Curse (Kate Stanley, #2)The Shakespeare Curse by Jennifer Lee Carrell
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I started reading The Shakespeare Curse several times before I actually managed to get in it enough to enjoy it and be hooked.
I'd say this is a story of two parts. The first is set at Dunsinnan, a castle in Scotland as actress Janet Douglas invites Kate to be involved in a special production of Macbeth. Events send Kate and other characters across London, through secret passageways and old museums.
As a lover of Shakespeare and of Scotland I was enthralled by the prospect of this book. But that was the problem. It never quite lived up to it's blurb.
I found many of the characters to be irritating, or unbelievable, while those I did like got killed off. In particular, Lily, the grand-daughter of the aforementioned actress. She acts so irresponsibly, and with little regard for anyone else by the end I just wanted to slap her.
The saving grace of this book is the Shakespeare, and Jennifer Lee Carrell's ability to write suspense and adventure. For those who are not familiar with Macbeth she explains the play simply, without 'dumbing down', for those who are familiar, they will love the quotations and gobbets. I also particularly liked the historical parts of the book, set in the 17th century.
I enjoyed the second part of the book more than the first, as I felt the pace speed up and things actually started moving. Stories of secret passageways, hidden rooms and long lost artifacts always excite me and this had plenty of them.
Overall, as a lover of Shakespeare, this will be enjoyed, but start with the first book, which I found much better.

View all my reviews

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