Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Dear Sir or Madam, Will You Read My Book?

Lately, I haven't been particularly inspired by the Daily Prompt suggestions, but today's actually got my brain working.
Ever since I can remember I've wanted to be an author. When I was a kid I wrote stories about squirrels, now I write about murder, mayhem and sex. I love writing, I love disappearing off into a mysterious world, sometimes fantasy, with characters that you love and hate and love to hate. I enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing, but for me to get a book published would simply be a dream come true.
Today's prompt asks us to choose whether we would like to be revered and studied by a select few in about half a century, or whether we would like to be a popular paperback author, enjoyed by millions.
It didn't take me long to figure this one out. I want my work to be enjoyed by millions. The great thing about reading a book is that it's different for everyone. A character description can be interpreted in so many different ways. The locations mean different things to different people. For me, I love reading Peter James because his books are set in and around my home town, so I can picture where his characters are. For those that have never been to Brighton they can let their imaginations run riot.
I would love for people to read my novel and ask me questions about what or who inspired me. I'd love for readers to be taken away from their struggles in life to a little pocket of my own imagination. Reading is for everyone and should be enjoyed by everyone, which is why I love what World Book Night is doing by encouraging those that do not read.
Also, I do not believe books should be studied. Despite my love of English at school, I hated English Lit. Reading a book and then analysing why a character did something, or why the author decided it would be raining. As an author, my answer would just be 'because it is', but tearing apart and analysing something I would normally enjoy is not my idea of fun.
When I visit Booka, my favourite bookshop in town, I love looking at their displays. There's a large round table just inside the front door and if one day I could walk in and see my book on that table, I would be over the moon.

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